Equip Them With Confidence


Equip Them With Confidence

Learn to Build Relationships in a Safe Environment

Navigating social situations can be difficult at times for anyone, but as a child, it can be even more challenging. Our 6-week Social Skills Groups at Arches is a private pay program that meets once a week for 90 minutes and provides your child with a skill set to make interacting with peers less challenging and more enjoyable!

These groups will have 3-5 close-age peers who will learn about the basics of building friendships through social interactions by learning and practicing skills such as identifying emotions, taking turns, self-advocating, accepting others, understanding rules, and more!

Arches ABA Therapy for children ages 2-6 with autism in New Orleans, Louisiana
Arches ABA Therapy for children ages 2-6 with autism in New Orleans, Louisiana

Social Skills That Build a Lifelong Foundation

Solid Foundation

The social skills that we learn in childhood lay the foundation for how we interact with others as adults.

Strong Relationships

By building a strong set of social skills your child will be able to form stronger relationships and community.

Better Quality of Life

Having a community can improve the overall quality of life.

Our Six-Week Social Skills Groups Will Teach Your Child:


How to Take Turns

Participate in Group Activities


Identify Social Cues

Understand Rules


Self Advocate

Identify & Respond to Emotions

Prerequisite Skills Your Child Needs to
Benefit from Our Social Skills Group:


Complete bathroom routines independently


Social Skills groups are for children ages 4 to 12


Follow 2-3 step instructions


Hold a short conversation


Attend to an adult-led task for 10-15 minutes


Do not engage in severe behaviors such as aggression, disrobing, property destruction, inappropriate sexual behaviors, or elopement

Here’s How to Get Started:

1- Fill out the Form To get started, we just need a few details about your child. Once we have received that, we will contact you with information about the next steps.

2- Attend Social Skills Group Your child will learn social skills like sharing, communicating, and more, all while making friendships.

3- Learn Lifelong Skills Your child will learn confidence and learn how to create strong relationships that will benefit them in their life.

Services at Arches ABA therapy clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana
Note: This form is for those looking for a Social Skills Group. Please do not try to sell us services.